For best performance, we recommend to play this game in Google Chrome browser
dreiPhone Jack
when 1Phone is not enough...
You have 3 (drei [germ.]) smartphones and the game is playing on all 3 phones screens.
Each phone has 8 pockets numbered 1-8 at the left side of its screen. And 5 bubbles with different values are flying on the screen of each phone.
When some bubble gets to the pocket with the same value, it gets out from the game.
The game idea is to arrange the sum of bubbles values on all 3 phones equal to 21 (Black Jack).
The sum of all bubbles values on all 3 phones is visible in the left top corner. When some bubble gets out, this sum decreases on its value.
You may push bubbles - swipe over the bubble to direct it to the appropriate pocket with the same value.
Try this way to delete all but one last bubble on each 3 phones, to make the sum of remained 3 bubbles equal to 21 (1 bubble on each phone).
Note: when the last one bubbles remains on the screen, it can not be deleted (does not get to the pocket). So, 1 bubble will remain on each phone.
Swipe over some bubble to direct it to the pocket with the same value (e.g., bubble 5 gets to the pocket 5).
Delete all "not needed" bubbles from all 3 phones, to make the remaining bubbles sum equal to 21. (1 bubble remains on each phone).
When you receive the sum 21 (Black Jack) on last 3 bubbles, you win the game set and go to the next level.
And the sexy blonde
Bernie Svintis stripping to the next level!
To win the game, get to the top 9th level.
Controls: Swipe over the bubble in the direction to the pocket with the same value.