HTML5 game, playable on mobile
For iPhone users -
Better play this game on some desktop device, for correct work.
Say thanks to Steve...

Deforming Puzzle-4

The sequel to the "Puzzy" series games
For best performance, we recommend to play this game in Google Chrome browser
images shapes are deforming - assemble their natural view in shape

The puzzle consists of several images. But these images are in constant motion - their shapes are deforming.
Vertexes of pictures are marked with blue balls. You may catch and drag these balls and place them on their natural places on the frame, to "form-back" the picture.
When you place the blue ball on its correct place, it "shines" and becomes fixed. Place all pictures vertexes (blue balls) to their correct places - to return all pictures to their natural view.
When all pictures are fixed - you may go to the next level.
To win the game pass all 10 levels (get to 11th).
(Forgot to say: pictures may be sexy!)
Controls: Drag blue balls with your mouse or finger.

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