HTML5 game, playable on mobile
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Say thanks to Steve...

...tricks to get
to the princess

The sequel to the "Black Helmet" series games
For best performance, we recommend to play this game in Google Chrome browser
Maze Tricks

New sex hunt of the Black Helmet (your character) in the Tricks-Labyrinth.
As you remember, Black Helmet knows how to get to the Princess room from any hard labyrinth, to receive her love rewards.
This time the Maze is Tricky! Cards are scattered all over the maze floor.
The Cards-Tricks game idea is to cover the opponent's card with the higher card of the same suit. The covered and covering cards couple make a Trick. The Trick value is the sum of these two cards values. When the player takes a Trick, its value increases the player's score.
The dangerous Monster is hunting on anything he sees in this maze, so the Black Helmet also may be a prey.
But there is the way, to get out of the maze - to win the Cards-Tricks game.
The Monster is running somewhere in the maze, and when he steps on some card on the floor, this card becomes "his" (opponent's) card and flies to the right corner of the screen (the Trick place).
So, you must cover this card. Try to find the higher card of the same suit in the maze. Move by the labyrinth to find such a card.
To take the card - step on this card and click on the card (when the Black Helmet is on this cell).
If your card is higher and has the same suit, you win this Trick, and its value goes to your score.
To win the set receive the score of 50 or higher in your bank.
If your card is lower than opponent's, or its suit is different - the Opponent takes this Trick, and its value is subtracted from your score.
Tips: 1. Sometimes you need to "provoke" the Monster to take some "preferable" card (to lead him to step on such card).
Tips: 2. Cards values are from 2 to Ace(14). As you understand, the Ace is the highest card, so it cannot be covered. If the crazy Monster takes an Ace as his card, he will win this Trick for sure. But, you may take and "throw" any card (of any suit) - you will lose this Trick, but you may play further, to win next Trick, etc...
The set finishes when there are less than 10 available cards; or when your Bank account falls lower than -50; - Oops...
And the Moster is hunting on your character. If the Monster will catch the Black Helmet - oops... money lost (but no level down)...
So, run away from the Monster and take good cards from the maze floor, to receive the reward from the Princess!
To move in the labyrinth, control your Black Helmet with arrow keys (left-right; up-down), or swipe over the maze, as you push its walls (swipe to the left, to move the whole maze to the left; swipe to the right, to move maze right; etc...; click to stop).
To take a card - when the Black Helmet appears on a cell with some card, click on this cell (with your character on the card). The card will move to the Trick place at the right top corner.
To win the game get to the top 10th level.
Controls: Swipe over the maze to "push" walls in needed direction (up-down; left-right), click to stop.
(Or Arrow-Keys and "Space" to stop.)
To take the card, click on the cell with card, when the Black Helmet is on this cell (your character on the card).
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