HTML5 game, playable on mobile
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Say thanks to Steve...
Jack Price Girls:
just pay with Black Jack
For best performance, we recommend to play this game in
Google Chrome browser
(The game is not playable in Firefox and Safari...)
Jack Price Girls
You have appeared in some unordinary house. It has a lot of rooms and some of them have TV-Walls (wall-size TV sets). Usually these TVs have some erotic content with beautiful girls. But - soft kind.
But there is a possibility to switch it to more XXX levels. You just need to pay the Black Jack Price ($21) to this TV-Wall.
Where to take money? - You may find a lot of coins on the floor in any room. There are 20 rooms. Coins have values from $1 to $20 dollars.
So, collect coins to receive the amount just equal to $21, to pay for TV show. When you have $21 in your "Bank", you may pay to TV-Wall.
But if the amount in your Bank will exceed the $21 - BUST - you may lose the game and your money!
How to Play:
Walk through the rooms of the house (control with arrow-keys, or swipe on mobile).
Find coins on the floor, and collect $21 in your Bank. Click on the coin, to take it.
When you have the amount of $21, find TV-Wall in some room.
To switch the TV to more XXX level, you must pay to it: - Come close to the TV-Wall (Arrow-key "Up").
If you have $21, the remote control with "PAY" ($21) button will appear in the right corner. Click on the "PAY" button, and TV-Wall will switch to the next level of the show.
Each TV show has 3 levels. And the house have 4 TV-Walls.
To win the game, you must reach the 3rd levels on all 4 TV-Walls.
To navigate in the house rooms, you may use the Map - click on the "MAP" button.
Also, you may "save" the placement of coins in rooms on the Map:
When you see some coin, click on the "$ to MAP" button, and the position of this coin will appear on the map. So, you may plan, how to collect the needed amount $21.
Note: Only 20 initially present coins (from $1 to $20) may be used in the game. No new coins will be added. So, plan your payments: you have to pay 2 times ($21) to each of 4 TVs, to get to the 3rd level on all 4 TV-Walls.

Controls: Move with arrow-keys. To take coins, click on it. Use buttons (Map, Save $ to Map) when necessary.
For Mobile: Indicate the direction to move - swipe with your finger by the screen: turn left-right; forward(drag down) - backward(drag up).
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