Girls know, the most effective method, to become a Hot Girl, is to heat her pussy on a volcano.
You may see now at least 3 girls, heating their pussies:
Lil and
But it is very precise procedure. Pussy must not be overheated! (Maybe you have heard about fried pussy...) Also, if not to heat enough the pussy, it will have no sense at all.
Now you may help girls to heat their pussies just optimal.
The optimal heat for one pussy - is
250-260 kJ (Pussy heating is measured in kJ "Kilojoule" [1 kJ = 0.239 kcal]).
You have 3 heat-meters - two are installed at left and right sides of site on the volcano surface. The 3rd heat-meter (in the middle) is "mobile", you may drag it left-right by the volcano surface to find the optimal heating spot.
Why there are 3 meters: because the heat is distributed irregularly by the volcano surface, and it varies all the time. So, 3 heat-meters are used to find the optimal thermal conditions, and the sum of all 3 meters shows the receiving heat value!
You may see the value of the sum of 3 meters in the left top corner of the screen.
So, your task is to find the optimal place of your (middle) heat-meter, to receive the needed heat sum value from 250 to 260 kJ.
Drag the middle meter left-right by the surface, and find the point, where the sum of all 3 meters will be in the range of 250-260 kJ.
When you have found the optimal heat sum - click on the screen to stop pussy heating.
If you have stopped with the acceptable heat value (250-260 kJ), you win the set and go to the next level. Girl will undress to heat the pussy more at the next level. Usually pussy heating needs 7 sessions, for perfect result. So you must get to the 7th level, heating every pussy.
But, if you have stopped the heating process with the heat value exceedin the 260 kJ, or lower than 250 kJ (out of necessary range), you go level down!
But, you have a chance, not to fall to the lower level - you may click on the "CHANGE GIRL" banner, to switch to the next girl (your previous girl will remain on her current level).
Good luck! Heat up all 3 girls to the maximum 7th level.
HOW TO PLAY: (click)
Controls: Drag left-right the "middle" heat-meter (with your mouse or finger).