HTML5 game, playable on mobile
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Say thanks to Steve...

Dump & Bucket Mud Fights:
drink beer and enjoy...
... may catch mud drops

For best performance, we recommend to play this game in Google Chrome browser
Dump & Bucket Mud Fights
girls are fighting in mud, but your idea is to make Black Jack on their mud

Those brave girls arrange their fight on the roof of the dumper, while it is loaded with mud by excavator.
Maybe it is good enough place for mud fights, and you, as a gentlemen, may drink beer and make bets on their fight.
But this time you have your game: Catch Black Jack on their mud drops.
Mud drops are falling from the top on fighting girls. Each drop has its value from 1 to 10.
You may catch those drops, and collect their sum to receive the Black Jack (21).
HOW TO: Click on falling drops to catch them. When you catch some mud drop, its value goes to your score.
When you receive the Black Jack sum 21, you win the set and go to the next level of girls fighting.
But, if your score exceeds 21 - Bust, and you go level down.
Those mud fighters Christy White & Eve Sweet become more and more aggressive with each next level!
To win the game get to the highest 8th level.
Controls: Click on falling drops.
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