the puzzle from Dakota Dove
9 tiles with numbers from 1 to 9 are randomly placed on the field with 18 cells (3x6).
The game idea is to assemble tiles in the ascending sequence:
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9.
in three sequential rows.
You may move any tile left-right, up-down - swipe over the tile to push it this way.
The tile will stop, when it touches some another tile (the cell is busy with some tile).
This way you may move tiles and place them in needed positions according to their numbers (3 rows with numbers from 1 to 9).
When the sequence 1-9 is assembled correctly, the sexy blonde
Dakota Dove strips to the next level.
To win the game, undress her to the highest 7th level.
Controls: Swipe over some tile, to push it left-right, up-down.